5 Health Benefits of Using Compression Socks
Compression socks are specialized hosiery designed to support, guard and prevent the occurrence of venous conditions such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), phlebitis, and edema. They are elastic garments that are worn just like socks to support the lower leg, hence compressing the area. Compression socks are designed to apply pressure to the lower legs, thus helping maintain blood flow and reducing swelling and discomfort. There are several benefits to wearing compression socks, such as: 1. Prevents blood from pooling Generally, every human being has blood circulating through the entire body. As the blood circulates, tiny valves help prevent the backflow of blood to the legs or rather refluxing, towards the legs or the other body parts. If valves are faulty or become damaged, blood flows back to the legs, which is referred to as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). This blood pooling often results in cramps, ulcers, and swelling over time. Generally, compression socks are beneficial because they help prevent the flow of blood back into the feet and the legs where blood may pool. 2. Reduces swelling The buildup of fluid in the legs may cause a lot of pain and result in fatigue and mobility issues. In addition, pressure due to swelling may cause bursting blood vessels, and possible infections and ulcers.