Tips to Whiten Teeth at Home
Our teeth begin to lose their original white color as we age. Most of the food and drinks we consume stain our teeth and make them look less appealing. But, there are simple tips that can help with teeth whitening. Avoiding a few beverages is one of them as even a little tweak in our diets can improve the color of our teeth. To help you out, here are some steps to take towards whiter, clean, and healthy teeth. Stay clear of these beverages Teeth staining is one of the main reasons for discoloration of the teeth. Beverages like tea and coffee can lead to teeth staining. Even our favorite soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, sauces (especially soy and tomato-based) can stain our pearly whites. Add to this list that glass of red wine you may have sipped on over the weekends. Discoloration happens because foods like these might have a substance called tannin, which causes staining. If you want your teeth to stay white, avoid contact with these liquids. Maintain your teeth daily This is a basic, yet top tip for teeth whitening that many often overlook. Teeth can stay white if you maintain mouth hygiene daily. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash to do so will keep your teeth strong and white.