Natural Remedies To Fight the Cold and Flu

Natural Remedies To Fight the Cold and Flu

A cold is common and can cause mild irritation, but the flu is more intense as it comes with a fever and causes fatigue and headaches. You can catch a cold or the flu when you come in contact with a virus that infects your nose and throat. You may start sneezing or develop a sore throat; if you have both, cold and flu, their symptoms can be reduced with the same natural remedies. Try these remedies at home for instant relief.

Ginger Shot
Ginger is an immunity booster and has anti-inflammatory properties that ease out nasal blockages. It also increases your energy and eliminates weakness. This makes it an apt remedy for cold and flu. You can juice a chunk of ginger and add a teaspoon of it into a shot glass. A few tablespoons of water with a little lemon juice and your natural home remedy is ready! You can also juice ginger pieces and store it. This can be used whenever you need to make a ginger shot.

Saltwater Gargling
Gargling salt water will relieve an itchy throat. Salt is known to fight oral bacteria and gargling can throw out viral fluid from your throat and can curb throat infection. You can take half a teaspoon of salt and stir it into eight ounces of warm water. This water, after being gargled needs to be spat out. This has to be repeated several times until the water is over. Doing this twice a day will wash out the virus from the tissues in your throat. This is an effective natural remedy to fight cold and flu.

Chicken Soup
A warm bowl of chicken soup can open up your nasal track. Adding a good amount of vegetables will make it an immunity booster too. Chicken soup has a compound called carnosine which helps your body fight the flu. Hot soup can ease nasal congestion and soothe the inflamed part of your throat. Adding a good amount of fresh garlic to your soup is a bonus. It has allicin, which a compound considered to be effective in fighting a cold.

Steamy Showers
Steam moistens your respiratory tract and throat. By thinning out the mucus, steam flushes it out of your nose. It basically reduces discomfort. It also helps to regulate your breathing by reducing inflammation. A 10-minute-long steamy shower can relieve symptoms of cold and flu. Alternatively, you can also inhale steam from a bowl of boiling-hot water.

Thyme Tea
Thyme is often used in home remedies to treat cold and cough. It has antioxidants that make it a flu-fighting herb. A cup of thyme tea is one of the best natural remedies for cold and flu. You need to add a cup and a half of water in a pan and bring to boil. After taking it off the stove, you can add fresh or dried thyme to it and cover the pan with a lid for 15 minutes. After straining it into a cup and adding some honey, it’s done! If you’re still not at ease after trying home remedies, you must seek medical assistance.