6 Home Remedies to Soothe Dry Eyes

6 Home Remedies to Soothe Dry Eyes

Under usual circumstances, the eyes produce enough tears to keep them hydrated and protected throughout the day. But when eyes fail to perform this regular activity, either due to environmental conditions or physiological reasons, the tear ducts make fewer tears than are necessary for lubrication. And such issues may cause an uncomfortable and dry feeling in the eyes. This can sometimes be very painful. Some common signs to look for are red, gritty eyes that sting and burn.

Here are some common symptoms to look out for:

  • Scratchy eyes with redness and swelling
  • Mucosal deposits in the corners
  • Blurred eyesight
  • A poking feeling in the eye
  • Tiredness in the eyes

Natural Home Remedies for Dry Eyes
If the condition is due to environmental conditions, it can be easily remedied using natural methods. Here are a few natural remedies:

  • Warm Compress
    It can be particularly soothing to apply a warm compress to your eyes and occasionally washing your eyes to get rid of the excess mucus. This will provide instant relief.
  • Change Your Environment
    One of the biggest factors that can trigger dry eyes is an airy and dry atmosphere. If you find yourself particularly affected by dryness in the eyes, it can be wise to consider the environmental factors into play. It is better to avoid prolonged exposure to dry and hot weathers where the air is thick with particulate matter and allergens.
  • Protect Your Eyes
    This is a simple yet essential precaution you can take not only to reduce dryness but to prevent dry eyes altogether. Polarised and wraparound sunglasses work well in protecting the eyes from the harsh sunlight as well as keeps them safe from particulate matter.
  • Have Omega-3-rich Foods
    Dietary modifications like adding omega-3 oils and fatty acids in your diet is known to have a positive effect in reducing dryness in the eyes Foods like oil-rich seeds, oily fish like salmon and tuna, fish oil supplements, and walnuts are some rich and natural sources of these healthy fatty acids.
  • Stay Hydrated
    The most important and obvious aspect that affects our eyes is hydration. Drinking enough water ensures that there is enough water to keep everything moist and smoothly functioning. It is recommended that one must consume 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
  • Get More Sleep
    Sometimes, the culprit for painfully dry eyes is none other than our television; and the mobile phone and the computer. These days, while most of our work is focused on screened devices, it is essential to take frequent breaks throughout the day to rest your eyes from the constant strain.

Our eyes are one of the five most important senses of our body, and it is extremely essential that we take proper care of them.