5 Home Remedies To Prevent Fleas In Dogs

5 Home Remedies To Prevent Fleas In Dogs

One of the biggest things to be careful of when taking care of a dog is protecting it from bugs. They can find their way from anywhere in the world to your dogs back and probably end up laying about a thousand eggs before you realize. This is a common problem among pet-owners that isn’t talked about enough. While finding ticks and fleas on your dogs is a serious problem, you can use several simple methods to get rid of these.

One of the most important things to know when dealing with ticks on your dog is that you need to act fast. If you don’t, the infestation will keep growing exponentially (We are not kidding!). These mites can also sometimes find their way to your carpets and rugs without catching your attention.

Here are some measures you can take at home to get rid of such infestations:

  • Diatomaceous Earth
    It is a non-toxic chemical powder that proves to be effective in drying out flea eggs and breaking them apart. The powder is made up of diatoms derived from silica and fossilized organisms.
  • Sulfur
    Sulfur is a chemical which has a very peculiar smell. It is what makes rotten eggs smell as bad as they do, and the presence of a sulfur compound in onions is what makes us tear up when chopping them. Sulfur can be effective in killing fleas post-ingestion or just by touching it. It is also important to know that sulfur can be toxic to animals, so it is important to keep them from eating it.
  • Nematodes for yards
    If you have a yard or a garden in the back of your house, there may be some flea larvae in the soil. Nematodes are small insect-like animals that tend to live in moist places like soil. The good kinds of nematodes are proven to be very helpful in getting rid of pest infestations in gardens and will also eat up termites and fleas. They are easily available in any garden shop if you don’t already have them in your backyard.
  • Coconut oil
    Massaging a little bit of lukewarm coconut oil into your pet’s skin can be really beneficial in repelling fleas off their back. It can also be used as a medium to make essential oil sprays using eucalyptus, peppermint, or even lavender. However, before doing any of this, please ensure that your pet isn’t particularly allergic to any of these oils.
  • Light traps
    It is exactly what the name suggests. Set up a yellow-green light on a flea trap and set the light to flicker on and off for 10 minutes with five seconds in between. Fleas get attracted to it and will be killed by the trap.